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Search Engine Optimization: (SEO) [Def.] The process by which a website can climb the rankings of search engines gradually with steady and constant growth by adhering to Google highest standards of internal design and external relationship growth.


Pay-Per-Click Management

Pay-Per-Click Management: (PPC) – Professional management of the advertising units sold inside the sponsored links section of the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN) that allow for immediate client interaction and visibility Rumored to have peripheral SEO ranking benefits and an excellent form of keyword testing for long term digital media campaigns.


Reputation Management

Protecting your online reputation is no longer a luxury that only some businesses can afford….it is a necessity. Customer complaints can spread like wildfire before you even have a chance to respond. Competitors can anonymously attack you on consumer review websites, leaving you frustrated and defenseless.


SEO Web Design

There has been a long confrontation between web designers and SEO programmers. The conflict arises because both sides are unable to understand the balance between browser view, and search engine crawlers.


Social Media Optimization

With over 170 million potential customers using social media in the U.S. today, it is the obligation of every brand in America to begin developing a strategy to reach out and engage new customers in this new and ever expanding frontier.